Forum Discussion

Seann12's avatar
Mar 23, 2016

Questions re Driftwood Rockford

Hi Folks,
Couple of questions...Just picked up a Driftwood/Rockwood, 1989/90? maybe?, Cummins/Allison, just wondering if someone can tell me where the vin# will be on this, there's no ownership with it. Was '89 the first year Dodge started putting this drivetrain in A class vehicles? There is a slide compartment on the driver side where it looks like the generator used to be, does anyone have a photo of original setup?
  • I think the reason you haven't gotten any response is because you haven't given enough info of what you have. Many aren't familiar with the older vehicles and need some more clues. I am wondering about the Dodge/ Cummins/Alison comment. As you can see by my signature I have nothing against older RVs.