I've used it around the house, well, actually my utility shed (it was a good non-evasive guinea pig to try Flex Seal). So I used it on metal and wood on test areas, and quite frankly, I'll never use it again. The bottom line is ... if the item being sprayed has ANY dirt, grime, grease, even dust on it, the Flex Seal won't stick. If the item being sprayed as any moisture at all ... like wood, or gutters ... anywhere within 10 feet of it .... it won't stick. Where as, other types of sealers and caulks and even paint will stick to less than "pristine" surfaces, Flex Seal just peals and flakes right off.
So I suppose, if you can get the roof of your camper factory installed clean and dry, it (might) work. ... maybe. But I'll never use it again or try it again, on anything.
If I'm going to use a liquid rubber, I'll go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get this. It's worked well for creating rubber surfaces and making handles rubberized on old tools:
This - Click here, or
This - Click here also. But I'd never use either on the roof of my camper.