Forum Discussion

beckid's avatar
Apr 05, 2017

"Y Pipe" on 2008 Fleetwood Fiesta

Mechanic says I need to seal a "hole or crack" in the Y pipe. Says it won't pass smog if I don't, and of course, its due for smog in May. Any words of wisdom? Apparently its an invisible "hole or crack" because we don't see it when we get under the RV to check it. Can it be sealed with a magic goo like JB Weld or something? TYIA!
  • Check you ford owners manual, your exhaust is part of the emission's system, and are covered by a mileage warranty. I believe Ford will fix it if you are under the mileage. Just depends on how much trouble you want to go through.
  • Go to a muffle shop and have it welded, in cali it won't pass smog with that....providing the person looks.
  • It could be a pin hole where the "y" pipe is welded together and is leaking when running. Just try to find it and get it welded up.
  • What sealed with goo? If you can't see it how are you gonna seal it. X2 on new mechanic.