Question: When the brake system activates do the brake lights on the CR-V work or is addition equipement needed.
In many cases, yes, brake lights DO come on whenever the brake pedal is depressed, even if ignition is off (as it would be when towing). Obviously there are exceptions to this, so only way to know for certain is to just try pressing the brake pedal on your CR-V when ignition is off, see if brake lights come on.
However, don't let this answer mis-lead you: There IS additional wiring that needs to be installed, in order for your toad's tail lights to work properly when being towed. Installing the ReadyBrake cable is not the end of it.
The Readybrake cable engaging the brakes may cause toad's brake lights to come on, but you still need some kind of tail light wiring, for left and right turn signaling, as well as to make tail lights come on when towing at night.
There are numerous different ways to do this: You can install and wire in separate taillight bulbs, or you can wire directly into and use your existing tail lights using diodes. There are kits available for either approach. Or, you can buy a set of separate lights you put on the back of your toad (frequently known as 'magnetic lights'). One other approach is to use a wireless 'light bar' that sits on the back. Obviously, each approach has its own set of pros and cons, a subject of which gets debated here quite frequently. :)
..I would also like to say, you have made a GREAT CHOICE, going with the ReadyBrake Elite setup! You will like it a lot, and will save you a boatload of $$ and hassles, compared to most other 'brake in a box' type setups.