Forum Discussion

donsuefuggrwe's avatar
Jun 05, 2014

Redoing peeling Red Max Pro on 2001 National DP

Almost 3 year old wax job with Red Max Pro is badly peeling. Has been in outdoor storage for 4 months and not washed for many months before that. Out on the road again for several months and have time now to restore finish. I know is is a bitter subject with some but it did a great job for me and it reduced my waxing completely and washing a lot. I have read here that some now just give their rig a good wash with Dawn and Bar Keepers Friend and apply a few more coats of Zep and others do the original prep work with TPS. Any other new ideas? Just spent 5 hard hours in 2 days on the roof washing and removing with BKF and Dawn a black fungus like problem. Thousands and thousands of tiny black dots on the entire roof. At least the roof looks new now. Any new experiences appreciated. Thanks