Forum Discussion

Bordercollie's avatar
Jun 15, 2015

Reminiscing About Past RV Adventures

Wife and I enjoyed reminiscing about our many cross-country tours and camping trips up the West Coast, and memorable experiences, we had when we were a young family. Our last major cross country trip was in 2005 when we went to Wisconsin for the Oshkosh Air Venture. Health issues and home renovation, etc. curtailed RV'ing for a number of years. We made another trip up the coast as far as Brookings, Oregon where we got our wonder puppy Andy Panda, McNab Border Collie, 3 years ago.

We are looking forward to getting back to frequent/active motor homing in our 2004 Tioga 26Q now that we are in our mid 70's. We will be taking our antique Honda Trail 90 on a hitch rack, and my mobility scooter in the cargo bay.
  • Keep enjoying that RV!

    From what I hear from the retired folks at my work, you are only this young today, and next year you might be to old to keep driving.

    Have fun while you can!

  • Nice to hear from you and enjoy your posts. I have advised others about improperly wired garage receptacles. Having a good HVAC man/electrician and somebody to keep your PC working is nice.
  • Like stepping into your RV and getting your foot shocked? That was a interesting day. . .

    So was working on the air conditioner with the circuit breaker 'off' and getting shocked!

    But it was all fun!

    I am up in Portland OR now, and working for a retirement center, fixing their many problems, as well as air conditioners, heaters, and whatever else comes up.
