"Latyj"....I would guess that as many as one or two a week are being converted across the country. With all the new coaches coming with a residential refer and all the bad Norcolds being swapped out, it's now a common occurrence. If you do a search, you'll find posts that detail how to do it.
I changed mine out in my Diploma and did one in my sisters Itasca Meridian. It's a pretty easy process. The biggest stumbling block is some minor finish work when done.
Samsung made a refrigerator (RF197) that is about 6" taller than the refer you have now and fit into the same hole with the addition of the extra 6" in height. It didn't require you to do anything else, but turn it on. It worked well with your battery bank and modified sine wave inverter (MSW).
For some reason, Samsung discontinued this refer and replaced it with something a little larger. There are still some around. There are other refers that will work, but aren't as close of a fit. Many of the others require you to change to a pure sine wave inverter (PSW).