Latyj wrote:
Driving a Monaco Diplomat 40', 4 slide, full time RVer. Looking to replace Dometic MED1402 with a residential fridge. Anyone else done this? Can it be done and how easily? Where would I go? Thanks.
I think the fact that you're a full-time RVer makes all the difference. I am too, and about a year ago replaced my old Dometic NDR1292 with a residential Whirlpool because my Dometic could no longer stay cold.
Since I was on the road, I couldn't do the install myself (and probably would
not have done it myself anyway), so I had the replacement done by
Master Tech RV in Elkhart, IN.
(If I had to do it again, I think I would have used Bradd and Hall.) A "standard" Master Tech RV residential install was $2000 + fridge cost.
If your Dometic is the "sidewise" model, then you should have plenty of space for a number of residential fridge brands.