Your new motor home should have an inverter that draws it's power from your house battery. The inverter is connected to an automatic switch that detects if your camper is plugged into shore power or not.
If you are plugged into shore power, the "switch" will switch the refrigerator over to shore power. If the camper is unplugged from shore power (like when you are driving), the "switch" will flip the refrigerator over to the inverter.
If your camper is not plugged into shore power, the battery should continuously be recharged from the motor home engine, or generator if you have one.
No need to plug and unplug, turn on or turn off the refrigerator itself. If your camper is unplugged from shore power, just make sure the inverter is turned off. The refrigerator will get no power.
Now, one more scenario. If you are plugged into shore power and you really want the refrigerator turned off, then yes. Turn the refrigerator off or unplug it.
But remember, there's no difference between the refrigerator in your house or the one in your camper. They work the same way. It's really better to keep them turned on and running, even when not in use. But, if you do turn it completely off, make sure you prop all the doors open so the inside of the refrigerator has ventilation, otherwise, they begin to STINK (literally) in a very short while.