I had a huge rodent problem in my 36' motorhome they caused a lot damage to my RV! They chewed the wiring harness to my genset over $1,000.00 to fix (my genset had to be completely removed from my RV to fix)! I've tried many things to rid them over the years. Bait traps did not work due to it constantly lures rodents to my RV via the smell of peanut butter or other food. I used Bounce Dryer Sheets a lot of people think there great on RV.Net, but the rodents where I'm at used the sheets for nesting material. I did have success with peppermint oil, but it was to much work going out every week and resoaking the cotton balls in every nook and cranny. I've had great success using 2 things #1. very coarse steel wool! I put the steel wool behind every drawer in the RV and every nook and cranny (runways) etc. #2. Then I went out and bought a Victor Pestchaser Pro it emits high frequency ultrasound that effectively repels rodents from large areas and will not harm humans or non rodent pets. The Pestchaser Pro looks like a small Boom Box and works 10 times better then those little ultrasound that a person plugs into a wall socket! I can honestly say that I never had a rodent inside my RV since! Steel Wool and the Petchaser Pro have been a great investment for me!