Mile High wrote:
For Winnebago, follow these directions. Non-painted vs painted use different sealants. Painted is just silicone.
Winnebago Roof Seal
This is by far, the best answer for this question. I have given this same answer multiple times on different forums. And I'm not a fan of the "Scotch tape" aka Eternabond either. As has been stated on here more than once, Eternabond is not designed for strength, just it's ability to seal. Besides, after paying as much for this coach we have, I'm not wanting to destroy it's looks by putting tape all along the top edge.
We read of a few issues with a Winnebago/Itasca roof on here, every now and then. And what to use to remedy those issues is always kind of a debate. Winne has a callout list for what sealants/adhesives are to be used, where. But, the video what Mile High provides is pretty much what Winne/Itasca calls for, for certain model motorhomes.
Lichtsinn RV is right down the street from the Winne/Itasca (well, used to be Itasca) factory so, they coordinate lots of maintenance and repair procedures.