There are a lot of smart people on these forums. How come NOBODY on this thread noticed one thing???? He stated on 50 amp service he did not notice a spike or problems. But on 30 amp he did. HOW DOES THE "BAD" AC KNOW HE IS ON 30 AMP SERVICE?????????????? Appliances do NOT know what the total amperage is available. They only "see" current(voltage). Which may mean his available voltage is NOT steady at 115 or higher. Also, you cannot expect to run 2 AC units on 30 amp service as the breakers are going to trip. His tell is when he is on Genset. THAT points to he DOES need either a new compressor start capacitor or just spend a few extra dollars and install a Hard Start kit. The compressor is aged and the extra jolt from a hard start capacitor will probably fix his problem. He also needs to install a Hard Start on the other AC as it does not cost that much and will probably help him out down the line. Doug