Forum Discussion

hoffy's avatar
Sep 14, 2022

rv tailights short circuit

when connecting my towed vehicle my rv tailights become inop and if you turn on a turn signal it blinks fast light a burned out bulb.
it is the first trip after replacing my old led tailights with new led tailights.
it use to work fine with the old lights.
i connected my towed vehicle to another vehicle and everything works as it there some kind of resistors needed with some led tailights?

haulmark super c volvo chassis dash shows warning right turn signal short circuit

any help appreciated

  • The fast flashing of turn signals is caused by the flasher not having enough resistance. Need to change it out to an electronic flasher. Original flashers use amperage through a bi-metal device to open and close circuit. The electronic flashers has a circuit that causes the flasher to operate.
    Verify your wiring to the new taillights. Ensure that the ground is ground, and taillights are taillights.