Forum Discussion

railsbackg's avatar
Sep 01, 2020

Safe T Steer vs Roadmaster

I know this has probably been beat to daeth on here. But anyone have any knowledge on these 2 steering systems. Which one may be preferred or can you post past links to and threads that may have a bunch of input? I just bought a 2015 Fleetwood Bounder 35K with the F53 chassis.

Thanks in advance for you help.
  • carringb wrote:
    I had the SAF-T-STEER at one point. Eventually is rusted up internally, causing it to bind up and seize, which caused it to rip the bracket out of the frame. I don't really need one on my setup, but if I ever did one again, it would be an eternal-spring design like the Roadmaster, or an all-hydraulic through-ram like Fox.

    Same here. I ended up with the Roadmaster now. Very pleased.

  • Thank you all for the info. I still haven't decided yet, but will get it sorted out soon.
  • I had the SAF-T-STEER at one point. Eventually is rusted up internally, causing it to bind up and seize, which caused it to rip the bracket out of the frame. I don't really need one on my setup, but if I ever did one again, it would be an eternal-spring design like the Roadmaster, or an all-hydraulic through-ram like Fox.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    When I got my stablizer installed (Big improvement) I went with Blue Ox Tru-Center as it was the only one that offered a "Remote adjustment" (I can re-center it if I need to from the driver's seat More later)

    Safe-T-Steer now offers the same as an option I understand.

    Why would I want to re-center..
    High crown road
    Stable cross wind.
  • The Roadmaster really improved the handling of our Bay Star. I think the Roadmaster, being less expensive offers a "big bang for the buck". Also, make sure the front end is aligned and your tire pressures are based on axle/wheel weights and tire manufacturer's inflation table.