Forum Discussion

Smitty77's avatar
Apr 11, 2019

Salute to Sully (Sully2) - miss his posts...

I was doing some research today to help someone comparing older Country Coaches to Newmar's of the same era.

As I did so, on many forum searches, and Google too... I found multiple times that that Sully (Sully2) came up in responses...

What a character! Sure, he could get grumpy from time to time... But dang it, great wit, solid knowledge, and for a semi reformed Engineer (We both came from Aerospace backgrounds:)!), at times he acted almost as a mere mortal... tolerating us that were 'non engineer's:)!'. (Last comment, was written and intended in the utmost respect!!).

Sure, many years his picture included a Mexcan Sombrero - possibly taken at a non 'Engineer's', post beverage consumption moment:)! But dang it, you always KNEW what Sully felt about any give subject...

Sure hope the current owner's of his Country Coach (Or, if still with the family!) - are having a blast with it... Sully would for sure approve (And be the first to send a lightening bolt, if not approving...).

SALUTE TO SULLY (Sully2)... RIP:)! And thanks for your sharing of yourself on RV.NET...

Best all,
(98 Bounder. Now, 04 CC Allure!)
  • So glad his forum imprint is still remembered.... As a rookie on forums, and RV'ing - I was at times just a tad intimidated by some of the forum veterans (Sully:)!). But the moment his picture started to include a Sombrero - and I learned he was a mere Aerospace Engineer - I understood that a mortal was behind the keypad.

    I never had the pleasure to meet him in person, but we did have a few private emails and phone calls. He helped me quite a bit, on moving from our Bounder to our Country Coach:)!

    And Ivylog - While I'll not forget Jonny T., I admit that the odds are, I'll forget where I put my keys before the weekend is over:)! (Always appreciate, your posts.)

    Best to you all,
  • I miss JohnnyT too. :(

    He was another one I'd call when I was driving. We had the pleasure of camping with Johnny & Becky a few times a year. When my Dad was sick I'd talk to Johnny often. I miss him too.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Early on I told him he was well named...this is coming from someone who goes by “grumps” with the grandkids. Takes one to know one but his advice was always spot on.

    Got me thinking about Johnny T. Anyone in contact with him? Hope I have not missed something on him.
  • I certainly remember him well and his Wit. I know he could be harsh at times but seems to me he mellowed in later years. I also miss his posts and banter...
  • We did the Yellowstone run with Sully and Nancy.

    He came off as an old Grump, was a teddy bear at heart.

    I'm on the road a lot for work, often I'd call just to visit while passing time. I miss him.
  • Big thumbs up for this post! ... Sully never failed to "Add" knowledge. I actually liked his grumpiness because the threads seldom if ever went off the rails.

    RIP ....
  • X2 loved his posts and humor. He is the reason i went with a CC.
    RIP Gary