dumboat2 wrote:
How difficult is it to hook up one of these gauges?
It takes 2 seconds.
The unit comes with a cable with the proper connector to plug into the OBD2 connector in your vehicle. OBD2 is On-Board-Diagnostics, Second Generation. Every vehicle made starting in 1996 has one. They are located under the dash board driver side.

The hard part is deciding where to mount the display. The cable is 6' long but you can easily extend it with a computer cable and connector.
I mounted the ScanGuage-II on my rear view monitor.

The cable was too short so I fished around a longer computer cable and connected it to the ScanGuage cable right by the OBD2 with one of these.

With the original ScanGuage-II cable nicely coiled up below, I can easily unplug it from the fished-thru computer cable, unplug the velcro'd display by the mirror, in a second the entire ScanGuage-II is out and can be used in another vehicle.