For 3 or 4 months over the winter I would not use any stabilizer. Modern gas formulations are a lot better than they were 50 years ago. Being old I have used Seafoam as a top end cleaner, in the crankcase, chainsaws, and other small engines and have always had good luck with it. When ever my genset is hard to start I put 4 ozs or Seafoam in a gal can and run the genset on it for an hr under load, it runs very smooth afterwards with no surging. I also use it in my old Coleman "white gas" stove and I get a nice blue flame again. Having said all that I just started using/trying Berryman's B-12 fuel cleaner it is half the price of Seafoam and seems to work also. The other "snake oil" type product that has worked for me is Marvel Mystery oil. When my wife's 1967 Mustang would not shift properly I took it to my local transmission shop they told me to add a quart to it add give it a 1000 miles. After 2000 miles or so it shifted like new. There maybe some newer products out there that maybe better and if someone posts their success with them I would give it a try.