Oct 29, 2014Explorer
Seat Belts
Please don’t beat me up to bad for asking this, I am just curious. We have a new to us 35’ Georgie Boy. The sofa and chair have seat belts. Do people use these while driving? We are a family of 5 ...
DKM_Fam wrote:
Please don’t beat me up to bad for asking this, I am just curious. We have a new to us 35’ Georgie Boy. The sofa and chair have seat belts. Do people use these while driving? We are a family of 5 (3 kiddos), none young enough to require safety seats. It seems to me, part of the joy of having a big motor home is to allow the family some comfort while traveling. I would love to allow my kids to be able to sit at the dinette or on the floor and play a game while traveling. Kids usually don’t ride as well or as long if “tied down”. I do realize the safety factor, and would insist they were their belts when in congested driving areas, or other dangerous conditions. However, is we are on long flat, low traffic highways and traveling at a leisurely slow pace, would you let them be unbuckled? Just curious and thanks in advance for your honest opinion.