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We sold our Class A Winnebago in no time, using three common sense practices. (1) We posted an asking price - A fair asking price, not a wishful, maybe, hope-so price. (2) We posted pictures. Lots of pictures. Quality pictures using a DSLR in good lighting outside, and a wide angle lens, bounce flash inside. No cell phone, as good as they are, can do the same job as well. (3) We provided descriptions of every feature, every picture, and featured a yardstick in pictures to show the size of underneath storage and and interior cabinets. We showed the awning unfurled so buyers could see that it was in great shape. The coach was clean, the table was set, the bed was made and the captain's chairs were turned toward the living space with wine glasses featured, ready for a pour. New tires and complete service records didn't hurt the listing, either.
Maybe we got lucky to sell our RV quickly, but I think that a big part of the sale was that we made our own luck with a well presented, honest listing that showed our coach as a good value.