Forum Discussion

oyly's avatar
Sep 13, 2014

Service manual for 2014 Wbago Via chasis (Mercedes Sprinter)

Need the service manual for the Winnebago Via, Mercedes Sprinter chassis, to troubleshoot an electrical problem with the trailer lights. Anyone know where I can find this?
  • Raymon wrote:
    Can you describe exactly what the problem is with the trailer lights? You may get some better replies. I wish you the best. Hope you get the problem fixed.


    It's very simple: I'm not getting any voltage on any of the pins for the lights. I have 12 V between the "+" pin and the "-" pin. That's it.

    Photo of the socket lid with "diagram" in the link below:
  • neschultz wrote:
    I never tried just one bulb. I did plug in a 7 pin to 4 pin adapter that has leds and all 4 leds just blink. Did you see the "trailer controller module" under the drivers seat in one the documents I sent you yesterday? Maybe yours isn't there?

    Things look quite different under my driver's seat compared to the documents you sent me. You can see on the photo I took. Looks like the trailer controller module might be missing, or it could be that a different unit is used on my car:
  • The Sprinter was also made by Freightliner and Dodge (during the period Chrysler was owned by Mercedes). You can most likely find the manual at a Dodge/Ram dealer.
  • I never tried just one bulb. I did plug in a 7 pin to 4 pin adapter that has leds and all 4 leds just blink. Did you see the "trailer controller module" under the drivers seat in one the documents I sent you yesterday? Maybe yours isn't there?
  • Can you describe exactly what the problem is with the trailer lights? You may get some better replies. I wish you the best. Hope you get the problem fixed.

  • neschultz,

    I connected an incandescent light between the ground pin and the left turn pin, but it didn't blink with the indicators on. Definitely seems like there's some electronics in the car that tries to be too smart, by looking at the impedance of what's connected to the trailer socket.

    Did you find that you needed all 6 lights connected to make it work?

    Also went over all of the fuses in the car, and none of these are broken.

    Next step I had in mind was to take the drivers seat off, to access the electronics under there, but the problem is without the service manual or some other information, wiring diagrams etc, I wouldn't know much about what the different parts are for.
  • The trailer wiring is part of the Sprinter so Winnebago does not have much information. You need to search for the Sprinter service manual. I've never found a Sprinter service manual later than 2006.

    One can't even use a voltmeter to check voltages out of the trailer connector without incandescent lights connected. I ended up mounting 6 (left turn, right turn, brake lights, running, & 12 volts from battery) trailer running lights on a wooden board and wired them to a 7 pin connector. Also wired in a 6 pin for my tow car. Makes trouble shooting easy.
  • might post your problem,, most trailer or runing lights ,come back to a bad ground. if they worked fine then they don,t? ground or oxidized bulb holders .
  • Service manual (or work shop manual), not owners manual.
  • It being a 2014 one would have though that they would be inside the RV.

    Next thing would be Winnebago.


    Sorry just to far to fly over and fix it. I am sure there are locals who can do it.