tarnold wrote:
I put Monroe magnums on the front of my 1997. Driver side is a real bear getting on if like mine. Some folks I know cut a hole in the fender well under the hood to go straight down to get access to the top nut. Just no swing room for an open end wrench
I've got a fix for that:
Set frame on stands and remove wheels
Support lower control arm with floor jack
Disconnect LOWER shock mount
Remove spring retainer clip (10mm socket) at top of coil spring
Lower floor jack to drop spring away from shock and frame
Lift spring out of lower pocket and set aside
Please box wrench on upper shock nut
Use open end wrench on hex on shock shaft, below the mounting bushings, and unscrew shock from upper nut - easy with spring removed - allows room for wrench
Install shock top first, then spring, then raise axle, then fasten spring clip, then fasten lower shock mount