Forum Discussion

w3ozwizard's avatar
Jul 23, 2015

Shower Door

I think the multi-fold shower door on my Four Winds Motorhome is probably pretty typical. It works fine and I like it as it is much better than the plastic curtain I had on my old MH. But the door slides open and closed while I am driving down the road. Especially on bumpy roads. Number one, it irritates me and number two I would think it is not good for the door in the long run. My MH is used so maybe I am missing a latch or something, I don't know. But do any of you know of a latching system I got get that I could install to keep the door closed? I could put an old screen door hook on it I guess but that would look pretty crummy. Any help?
  • So thread a steel bolt in your aluminum frame opposite where you want to place the magnetics, or epoxy a small steel plate. Optimally position them 1/4 way down from the top and bottom of the door.
  • The frame of the glass by-fold door is aluminum so magnets will not work on it. There is two small holes in the casing that looks like something used to be there. I suppose I could use the tension rods or just a piece of wood, but someone who has that kind of door must have some way to keep it closed that the manufacturer installed. These doors are very common from what I have seen and I just can't imagine that there is not some latch that is supposed to be there that has fell off or something. But most thanks for those who have responded I appreciate it very much.
  • I use two tension rods to hold my glass shower doors in place.

    Maybe it would work for you.
  • The shower door on my 28A has a small rotating plastic arm about half way up the door frame. You twist the arm so it grabs the grab rail on the first section when the door is closed. The arm is mounted via one screw. I would guess the flimsy arm broke and there is a screw hole visible on your door frame.

    I also went to the hardware store and found a handle from a sliding patio door and mounted it to the shower frame just above eye level. That makes getting out of the shower much safer for me. Plus, I hang my bath towel on it.
  • A magnet or a strap would work nicely.

    Another possible low tech solution is to cut a scrap of wood or whatever to appropriate dimensions to fit in the lower track of the door and keep it from closing (assuming it has a lower track; I'm not intimately familiar with these folding doors). Maybe a little clamp of some sort on the upper or lower track could also do the trick.
  • dicknellen wrote:
    The folding shower door on my Winnebago has a strong magnetic latch, maybe you could find something like that at a good hardware store or RV parts dept. Dick

    Home Depot carries strong magnets. "neodymium magnets" is what you're after. I've also bought them off eBay - in all shapes and sizes.

    If you haven't played with these things before - please be careful. Even getting your fingers between the small ones can result in a blister. ( DAMHIKT ).

    I'm doing a new bathroom door in our Class C and that is the current plan - hold it closed with two dime-sized neodymium magnets.
  • The folding shower door on my Winnebago has a strong magnetic latch, maybe you could find something like that at a good hardware store or RV parts dept. Dick
  • May not be the same type of door, but my Hurricane has an pleated accordion fold shower door. It is held in place in the open position by a plastic strap that snaps on either side of the shower frame.