Forum Discussion

RVerDiane's avatar
Apr 26, 2019

Sides and top of MH

What are the sides and ceiling of a motorhome made of? I'm working on estimating the costs of repairs to the inside of my Class C.


  • Beverley&Ken wrote:
    Yes, its probably only a small hole for the wires to come through, but enough to see or poke a finger in, fibreglass batts or solid block foam insulation.


    Thanks again, Ken
  • Yes, its probably only a small hole for the wires to come through, but enough to see or poke a finger in, fibreglass batts or solid block foam insulation.

  • Thanks, Ken that was very helpful. The MH is fiberglass on the outside. Could I take off a light on the ceiling? There are no switches/outlets near the front. I will check these out though not today. It's snowing and in the 30's!!

  • Different MH manufacturers use different types of construction for the walls and again different types of materials and construction methods for the roof.
    I can't tell from your picture what the sidewalls are like. If the outside walls are aluminum with a horizontal pattern, it's probably wood framed studs with luan (thin plywood type material) on the inside, and the aluminum stapled on the exterior.
    If it is smooth fibreglass type material on the outside, it would be a laminated wall (most likely). That is the layer of fibreglass type sheets laminated to block foam insulation and then the interior finish luan panel with the finish surface attached to it.

    The roof, Similar types of construction as the walls, but with a water proof exterior surface. Fibreglass, TPO Rubber, Aluminum.

    The best way to confirm what you have would be to take a roof vent trim off the interior and see what is behind it. For the walls, look for a electrical outlet or switch and open it up to see what is inside.
