Forum Discussion

Tkotis5's avatar
Oct 12, 2015

Slide out makes a noise

We have a 2009 forest River Lexington gts and the bedroom slide is making a loud noise when we open and close it anybody have any ideas what it could be or I should do? It happens when it's about half way opened or closing it
  • Thanks for the information I just ordered both of the lubricants I'm also going to check the hardware to see if that helps I will post and let you know.
  • On my 09 Itasca I removed the mattress and a few screws holding down the plywood to expose the slide mechanism. I tightened a bunch of loose hardware, cleaned and lubed

    the sliderails. The junk sprayed on them collects dust and forms an adhesive like goo. The main nut that the screw goes through was loose. The clunk you hear may be that nut

    as it struggles against the gunk build up. My slide works perfectly now. I prefer graphite spray over silicone with a fancy name attached to it.
  • Mine was making all kinds of popping and scraping noises. I lubricated all of the moving parts with this:

    Thetford Slide Out Lubricant

    After lubricating, I ran it in and out a couple of times and it very quiet and smooth.

    I'd also recommend that you treat your slide seals every six months or so to keep them in good shape. Use this:

    Slide Out Seal Treatment and Lubricant

    If you need any further help, don't hesitate to send me a PM.

  • It's one loud bang I'm not sure I press the button to open it and close it as for lubricant I didn't know I was supposed to do that is it hard to do what would I use I just got this in August and have no clue to anything so any help would be appreciated
  • Could you be a little more descriptive? Like is the loud noise a grinding sound, a loud bang, squealing, etc.? Is the slide moved by hydraulics, electric motor worm gear, hand crank or ????