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Raist11's avatar
Aug 12, 2015

SOLVED - 1989 Ford Chassis - MAP cable

Hello again,

EDIT AGAIN: Okay, my hesitation to pull too hard was unfounded. It ended up pulling off okay. I just didn't want to break the plastic module it connects to but ended up finally coming off alright.

EDIT: From my searches I believe it is the MAP sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure)

Well I'm back at it. Our last trip the service engine soon light came on. I thought/think/know that I had a bad alternator (tested). But as I was replacing that, I see the cable from the mass air flow sensor is melted to the engine. I can reach where it connects to a module of some type. My problem is I can't see how it connects. It looks like it's just a hose that slides onto it. No screws,clamps or anything like that. I've been searching for a bit here and can't find anything on how to remove it.

Thanks for any input.

With the problems I had with finding the correct alternator.. I know I need to take the old part in for them to find the new one.
  • On second thought, perhaps it's not the MAF.. EDIT: I believe it is the Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor rather than the MAF.

    Here is a pic of the sensor and cable.

  • You have what appears to be a 460 Ford. 1988-1997? That hose goes to the MAP sensor that is located in the left front of the dog house. Just across from the throttle peddle. NO MAF on your engine.

  • RLS7201 wrote:
    You have what appears to be a 460 Ford. 1988-1997? That hose goes to the MAP sensor that is located in the left front of the dog house. Just across from the throttle peddle. NO MAF on your engine.


    Yeah, if you look through my mess of Edits you'll see I realized that afterwards. Not sure why I didn't think about the fact that the MAF would sit before the throttle body, not after. Thanks for the input. I ended up buying a foot of vacuum hose for 57cents and cut out the melted section. Runs great now! :)