1. Shipment: I looked at uship(dot)com and like many they wanted me to provide more info to "set up an account" before they would price my shipment. I contacted three sites that required little to no information and of those I chose
Freight Management Logistics. They handled everything. Provided an accurate quote by looking up the exact ICC description of what I was shipping, Scheduled carrier pickup, Issued Bill of Lading, Tracked Shipment. Picked up noon Monday, available to me morning of Wednesday. Price was $50 less than second best, half what another online quoted me, and just a little over half what a carrier quoted direct. I wholeheartedly recommend FML. The Carrier (R+L) forklifted the shipment into the bed of my pickup, but I had to sign a waiver. They expect to load/unload from a dock.
2. SuperCoils: Our Jayco's front axle is at its full GAWR of 4600, so I wanted an axle and springs rated 5000 to provide a little reserve. Also sits nose low so I wanted the lift offered by SuperCoils. Our friends at
SD Truck Springs had the be price. Phone call said they're "in stock" but that turned out to be the Special Order Springs are In Stock at the manufacturer in California. That made it an item not eligible for the free shipping SD offers on many items. But they had a coupon that gets most of the shipping back. From what I'm told, removing one end of the shock absorber should let the axle drop enough that the spring will tip out of its pockets. I believe the Hellwig sway bar might hold the axle back and have to be disconnected also.
3. 594 Bushings: Might not always have been this way, but adjustable offset bushings aren't recommended for RVs, commercial trucks, and modified chassis. I'll re-use the offset bushings I have and let the alignment shop provide new fixed ones if needed.
Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.