CoeyCoey wrote:
Thank you all for your responses. I expect our concession trailer to weigh about 4,000 pounds. The 3,500 pound trailer weight limitation on some of the sprinters can be upgraded to 5,000 pounds, so that covers that issue.
We are definitely not interested in any naturally aspirated gas RV's. They are quite bad in the mountains.
From my research, I agree that the I5 is the way to go. More reliable, easier to maintain, and better fuel mileage. I would add a tranny cooler for sure. And the $10K we save by not buying something newer will go a long way towards any eventualities.
There are no 5 cylinder Sprinter RVs that are rated to tow what you want. You will also need to check the combined weight rating of the vehicle with the trailer you intend to tow. A fully laden V6 Sprinter is only rated to tow 4K even with a 5k hitch. Personally I don't think the 5 cylinder is up to the task no matter what hitch you have on it. I tow about 3K with my "high output" V6 and that's plenty for me.