Yes it did. I ordered the system yesterday afternoon.
Have been thinking about getting a system since April. We were on our way badk from FL. where we are Snowbirds. Stopped at Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, AL. My girlfriend got out from the drivers seat, she does all the driving, because I very poor vision. As she was coming around the front of C she saw that the left tire was low, It wasn't when se started out that morning. Tire shop changed out the tire, becauxe the sidewall had cracks. Not driving on that kind of tire. Had him check the rear dullies, the inner strreeside tire, the valve stem extender had come off the wheel and was just flopping around, wore a hole in the sidewall. It would not have been many more miles and we would have had a blow out. I will install extra long metal valve stems shortly.
The new tires are Michelin XPS Rib, really like them. Will Probably relace the four on the rear soon. Since I had to replace the rear tire, I had the two new tires put on as the steer tires.
Thanks again.