A quick jump into the way-back machine for a look at a patch I needed to do earlier.
Drivers side floor rust.
One problem with jute backed floor mats is their tendency to hold moisture. When I pulled up the front floor mat I found them wet underneath even though it hadn't rained in at least a couple weeks. This was during the summer.
Here's what the drivers side floor looked like. It was rusted clear through in one place.
Ground off all the rust and treated with rust converter.
Since this is hidden I didn't bother with the air gun and just used rattle cans to prime and paint.
Needed some sheet steel for a patch and I know where I could get some. Really old computers. 15 years ago those suckers were made to last. The steel on these computers is thicker than what's on the side of the van. Being a pack rat I have a few just laying around.
Cut out a template:
Transfer design:
Fun with the cutting wheel. Remove the stamped edges.
Looks neater without the flash: