Covering wall panels.
By now I have insulated and test fitted some panels. Time for the next step.

When I was at Sportsmobile in Indiana for the Penthouse Top installation they sold me a roll of fabric that was the same as they used on the inside trim work. The receipt has it at $10 a yard and it's called Encompass blue velour.

Installation is easy enough. Cut the fabric so you have enough to wrap around the edges.

This material has something similar to a "grain" where the velour is in lines. I took great care to position the cloth on the panel so these lines would be vertical when the panels were installed in the van. After I got it just like I wanted it I used a socket set to weigh down one side so the material wouldn't shift.

Then carefully roll back the half that's not weighted.

Apply contact cement to the half of the board that's exposed. The fiberboard will soak up part of the first coat you put down so usually I had to do two coats but be careful and don't overdo it or the contact cement will soak through the front of the cloth. Before I got to this step I used a scrap piece of fiberboard and cloth and tested it so I'd have a good idea of what was the right amount of cement to put down. I suggest you do the same.

Carefully roll the fabric back over the now contact cement coated fiberboard. Use your hands to smooth it out. I then moved the socket set to the glued side.

Roll back the fabric on the unglued side. Glue this second half like the first half.

Roll the cloth back over the second glued half and carefully smooth everything out. Cover with some scrap plywood and let sit overnight.

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