Sofa-bed continued:
I'd mentioned in the previous post about how as the length of the bolt increases the length of the part of the bolt that isn't threaded increases. Here's a bolt comparison to show what I mean.

Reinstall the Center Support while Tiger checks alignment of the Middle Brace.

Put the Seat and Back Platforms in place.

Use the clamps to hold the Seat Platform to the metal angles on the End Pieces and the angle on the Center Support that will drive the platform forward and backward.

Hook the electric actuator up to the battery and use it to drive the platform back and forth to check it's alignment as it moves. I had to shave a little off each end of both the Seat and Back Platforms so everything moves smoothly.
Adjust everything until the alignments are just right. Then start to drill holes for the bolts that will join the Seat Platform to the metal angles.

Insert bolts through all the new holes. Don't bother with nuts since this is all coming apart again. Inserting all the bolts is just to check for alignment. Run the platform back and forth a few times when done.

Now that's done disassemble the sofa-bed and move parts of the frame into the van for the first time. Place it near where it will be installed

The Left End Piece has to be cut to fit over the driver's side rear wheel well.

Measure the height and width needed for the cutout.

Mark out where to cut. I'll be using a circular saw and the drawer slide and it's hardware is in the way.

Because of the failed attempt with my home made sliders there are extra holes in the End Piece. Mark the holes that are still used before removing the hardware.

Make the cuts. Due to the nature of a circular saw it makes an angular cut. To make a nice square inside corner it's best to cut close to the corner with the circular saw then finish the cut with a hand saw.

Reassemble the frame in the van and check the fit of the newly cut Left End Piece.

I'm going to pat myself on the back just this once by pointing out how close the fit is between the Middle Brace and the wheel well. That was not by accident. It's reassuring to see one thing I planned out ahead of time actually worked.

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