Kitchen Cabinet, Post #17
Work on the sink next. I'm making the sink from an mixing bowl I bought at WalMart for around $5. Need to drill out the bottom for a drain fitting. I'm measuring and marking the bottom of the bowl to find the exact center when I had one of my "Well Duh!" moments.
It hit me that the bowl is spun aluminum. It's covered by a a series of concentric circles. Just scrape away the bottom label and the center is already marked. Used a punch on the center point
Had to buy a new hole saw large enough for the drain fitting.
Clean up the edge with a round file.
Used silicone II along with the rubber gasket to seal the bottom.
I'm just placing the bowl into the countertop.
The only thing holding it down will be the silicone II placed around the underside of the lip.
Because of that I'm double stacking the silicone to get a secure fit.
Pressed down on the bowl. Cleaned up the excess silicone from the edge then put a weight in the center of the bowl to hold it in place while the silicone sets up.
While that's curing go back to the laminated panels. Have to clean off the excess contact cement from near the edges.
Use a one sided razor blade to carefully scrape off the worst of it.
Then acetone and a rag to get the rest.
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