This all became very adversarial when I was just looking for some measurements; my intention was neither to confuse or offend, nor to claim any untrue facts...I'm just looking for assistance with something I thought would be relatively common for members here.
I contacted Roadtrek and this is the response I received:
"Roadtrek does not have any older parts for your vehicle. When the Erwin Hymers group went into receivership, all parts allocated with older molders were sold and auctioned. You may try contacting the supplier of the part you are looking for to see if they have any replacements, or you can also contact your Roadtrek dealers to see if they have any in stock."
Looks like I mixed up "Zion" with "Hymer", but the problem still remains regardless of how weird my question is.
Pasusan, you were very helpful with a previous question I had in regards to purging the propane tank (very much appreciated). In regards to this situation, you are right, I didn't explain what I wanted as clearly as I could have; it is the cover over the burners which add to counter space that I need to replace. And the picture would've helped, but I see that it didn't attach. The way to attach pictures seems archaic (and I clearly haven't figured it out), but I'll try again. :h
Thanks again all for your assistance.