If you are were still in a S&B home and look for Internet access you find as long as you are within a well developed area your options for high speed iternet are usually fairly wide, some places are more restricted than others. However the more rural you get, the more restrictive your options become, IE Sat or 4g, and then there comes all the bandwidth caps and restrictions. Most of the campgrounds we like to visit are outside the urban area and that means that for the campground to be able to provice internet access to it's visitors, it can be an tremely expensive item to get. And much like in the business world, it's an expense with a very long term ROI payback, because as soon as you get it installed, next month something new comes out and makes what you have out of date, requiring an upgrade. If all we were doing was checking email, and simple web surfing, providing WIFI internet would not be that difficult. But when you pull in with 2 smartphones, 2 tablets, a WIFI printer, a laptop, and streaming video. Well campground WIFI just can't handle that kind of loads.