Jerseydevil wrote:
Looking to possibly upgrade next year so starting to research now. Since there are so many layouts and models could use some help.
Here is some of my requirements-
-Need bunkhouse- have two teens
-Able to comfortably sleep 6
-At rest stop would still like to use bedroom, restroom, pantry without sliding open
- restroom and shower seperate
- 30 foot minimum
-2010-2017 year range
What are you driving?
I've got a 2016 Leprechaun 260QB that meets most of your criteria.
28.5 feet long (so just 18" shorter than your target size!), with a slide out in the front.
It technically sleeps up to 8, but the couch that folds into a bed is a little lumpy for 2 but good for one, the dinette is ok for 2 if you're not too tall. the over cab bunk can fit 2, and the RV queen in the back is good for 2.
Toilet and shower is separate (sink is in with the toilet).
It's mostly usable with the slide in, but the kitchen gets cramped - you can't open the oven (the 3 burner cooktop and Microwave are accessible) and you can't open the undersink cabinet, but if you're just trying to make a quick meal on the road, it's fine.
I can't remember how many seatbelts it has, at least 4 (driver+passenger) plus 2 in the dinette. I'm pretty sure the couch has 2 seatbelts, and the dinette may have 2 on each side. So total capacity is either 4, 6, or 8 people. We only use it for 2 so I've never really checked.
Here's the floorplan and specs: