First there are "Surge Protectors" and there are Surge Protectors.
The first type (You can get those six outlet strips) are simple devices that clip spikes, but a true surge (Sustained high or low voltage) they) are of no use or worse are simply destroyed.
Dangers of high voltage: Many electronic devices get a tad upset with high voltage, it can "let the magic smoke" out of the device, and as you know when that happens. they no longer function....... Story follows.
Dangers of low voltage: Motors, like the compressor in yoru air conditioner (Roughly a kilobuck to replace the upper unit in an A/C labor included) do not like low voltage, it extends the start cycle, during the start cycle hugh current flows, this can damage the motor before the thermal cut off cuts off.
Danger of a BRIEF (like 1 second) power outage: Many devices do not like "Hot Restarting" (that is off and right back on) Including the afore mentioned air conditioners.. NOTE this would also apply to Residential refrigerators.
They monitor voltage. If it drops below the pre-set minimum for more than a very brief time they drop you out. this protects your A/C and residential Fridge and perhaps some other stuff.
IF it goes too HIGH, likewise they shut you off protecting all sorts of electronics.
They may also monitor frequency (Too high or low there is also bad)
And they have a time delay.. Progressive Industries ships set to 15 seconds (not long enough) but can be upped to about 2 minutes (much better) TRC Surge Guard ships with just shy of 3 minutes (Better still, in fact 3 minutes is the recommended minimum off time) That said many RV Air conditoenrs have a bit of delay built in as well so the Progressive Industries, set on LONG DELAY and the A/C will total 3 minutes.
Short version of the true story: Campground I used to visit had a "Temporary" Transformer (The one that provides power) When the aluminum main feed to the park burned out the manager replaced it with Copper.. The improved wire overloaded the transformer (lower resistance, better power to the park) and burned it out.. The power company came out and hooked up the replacement,,, wrong,, fed half the park 240 volts... Blew TV's. Microwaves, Converters and more, thousands of dollars in damage, hundreds to each RV.
Many people have plugged into a 30 amp outlet at a friend's hosue "Oh it's ok Other Rvers have done it, all the time" only it's not OK, it's a Dryer or Welder outlet and it's 240 volt And again there are hundreds of dollars in fried electronics in the RV.
If you plug in either PI's or TRC's Surge protectors to a 240 volt outlet in this manner they will tell you what you have done and deny the connection, thus protecting your hardware and paying for themselves in that one act.
And yes. I have heard of RV parks mis-wiring a 30 amp outlet or even a 50.