Forum Discussion

hr0082's avatar
Feb 20, 2016

Surprisingly good MPG

We recently purchased a 2008 Pleasure Way Excel TS. with Ford V8 engine. Prior to that we had a Scamp 5th wheel which we towed with a 2012 Toyota Tunda V8. With the Tundra, we averaged about 16 MPG and we were concerned about the MPG that we would get with the PW.

We travel quite a bit and MPG is important to us. We were pleasantly surprised that with the first tank of mostly road/interstate travel at 60-65 MPH, we got 17 MPG. The second tank was a combination of road/interstate/city driving and we got 13.5. The third tank was almost totally in Atlanta town driving and we got 10 MPG. Driving home from Atlanta to Hattiesburg on the interstate, we got 16.9 while driving 60-65.

We really do like our PW and our only regret is that we didn't purchase one sooner. It is so easy to drive, other than getting used to the "sway" which was especially noted in wind. We are looking forward to our travel adventures.
  • We consistently got 13 to 16 mpg on our 06 Excel with a V-8 that always had plenty of power. Michelin tires really improved driveability.