Forum Discussion

Free_Ranger's avatar
Oct 25, 2014

Thor Citation Sprinter Generator problem

Recently purchased a new Thor Citation Sprinter with the intent of using it predominantly off of shore line power. So far, every time we have needed to run the AC off of the on board genset, the genset will shutdown after just a few minutes with the AC on. The AC runs fine on shore line power and the genset will run the AC as long as it is not too hot outside. An Onan/Cummings support center tested the genset and found that it was operating correctly and suggested that it might be getting too hot. The Thor dealer is unable to replicate the shutdown, but it is now in the mid 70s here.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  • I have an Onan 2800 propane Generator on my 2013 Sprinter that had a similar problem. With the A/C on mine would run between 4-8 hours and then would shutdown. It would start right back up but as soon as the A/C kicked on it would shut back off. This only happened after a very long initial run. This would happen in the middle of the night so it was not terribly hot outside.

    I brought it to the Motorhome dealer who is also an Onan authorized facility and they somehow concluded the converter/charger was bad and was causing this problem. They replaced the converter and declared it fixed. I do not think they ever tested it.

    Next trip out same problem. I contact the dealer who now claims it must be the A/C unit drawing to much juice on start up. In my mind I am thinking this is a generator problem but they are looking at other causes.

    Instead of bringing it back to the dealer who is over 100 miles away and now wants to change the A/C I decided to find a local Onan shop.
    The Onan shop actually let it run in their parking lot all day with the A/C on. After many hours it finally shut down. They concluded the control board was the problem, they removed the generator and replaced the control module.

    I have given it one long overnight run since getting it back and so far the problem has not returned. My unit is a Class B but probably has the same genny.
  • Thanks Joe, the Thor Forum has a good thread. Interesting. Thor told my dealer that they had never heard of the problem before.
  • Ranger, do a Google search outside this forum. One of the hits I got was on the Thor forum site where there was a lot of comments about the problem, but no solutions as of yet.
  • From what I have read this is a know problem
    with the ACE and several others.
    It is because of a lack of ventilation due
    to how the factory mounted it.

    Do a search for "Thor Citation Sprinter / Ace generator over heat problem"
    and you will find many threads on this problem.