Tioga Length is 32.5-feet and Wheelbase is 218".
Sunseeker is 32.25 and 220".
Those stats are important because if the WB is shorter, much below around 210", rear axle rating will be exceeded and front axle underloaded contributing to handling problems.
Suggest taking any unit you consider and spending $10 to have it weighed at a truck stop. While you're there, set front tire pressure to 65-PSI or less (bring a Load-to-Pressure Chart), and be sure all four rear tires are at the same pressure, 70-80-PSI. See how it feels to drive.
Personally, I like the Tioga Ranger:
Sunseeker's layout is so Linear, like an airplane aisle. Tioga puts Dinette across from Sofa, better to sit and visit. I like the Tioga corner kitchen. And to my taste, Tioga Ranger is one of the few Class C's that look striking from a front aspect.
If you're ordering, many of us suggest you opt OUT of the front cabover window.
If one has full fiberglass end cap(s) and the other doesn't, or one has full fiberglass roof, those construction features could weigh into your decision.
If God's Your Co-Pilot Move Over, jd
2003 Jayco Escapade 31A on 2002 Ford E450 V10 4R100 218" WB