I think before you invest a lot more time researching the Phoenix Cruisers you should go look at one up close and check out the build quality especially the interior. Of course this might be hard to do because there are no dealers and sales only occur through the manufactuer. I was all set to travel across country to the factory and buy one after putting down a deposit. All the factory videos are very convincing and the factory seems very flexible towards your needs. But after I found a one year old PC at an rv dealer and actually saw and touched the cabinets, interior and viewed the exterior, I was totally appalled at the shoddy workmanship and cheap materials that was used in the interior. The surfaces of the interior paneling had contact paper looking material that was already peeling and curling. The overhead cabinets above the driver/passenger looked like they were made of wood from a scrap pile in that they were made of different materials or woods and they did not match! The exterior trim and paint was already fading and the plastic pieces were brittle and curled. Needless to say we did not see a need to spend anymore time looking at PCs. Now there are going to be others who will have a comeback and say I'm wrong, as a matter of fact one party in particular who is constantly singing the praises of PCs will surely have something to say. All I'm saying is do yourself a favor and check them(PCs) in person before committing. If I'm wrong,please tell me so.