Ivylog wrote:
Without knowing the history and how well and often the previous owner used them, I would replace the front two and then have the rear four inspected and use one of the fronts if any fail the inspection. I would carry the best of the two as an unmounted spare on the roof. I went seven years on my front tires that I put almost all of the miles on and 10 years on the six rear tires. I did swap the two tag tires to the front at five years. All 8 tires are now on the back of my 10 wheel dump truck...14 years old.
I bet most people are missing this... OP, Do you short trip and see how things go. Remember, its not hot yet, so things may not show up. We had 12 years on the duals before changing, at better than 50% tread, we have 11 on the fronts. Maintain pressures and check them often and you should be good. YMMV.
Good luck and enjoy you new to you MH.