Groover wrote:
pconroy328 wrote:
Never mind the fact that most of use pressure gauges with absolutely no idea of their accuracy or precision. While the physics may be sound, PV = nRT, it strikes me as needless hand-wringing and worrying.
"Gee, it's 72* outside, let me check the conversion chart... OK, now I'll pull out my $3 pressure gauge and check..."
I agree. A lot of people are overthinking this and placing too much confidence on a gauge of unknown accuracy. Just get a good gauge, check it against a few others and then check you pressure before driving. Maybe run a few PSI higher than the minimum recommended to allow for gauge error, slow leaks, load changes, etc. Check your gauge against others periodically to be sure that something hasn't happened to it.
Another THUMBS UP!
I check my gauges against at least two others. I purchased a digital gauge a few weeks ago and was amazed at the accuracy of my analog gauge compared to the digital.