The change to motorhome wont change the GAWR's. So you would think it wont change the recomended pressure, because calculated for GAWR's, wich you are not allowed to go over.
But now, motorhomes are often overloaded and /or have unequal weight R/L on the axle.
So drive all the time with 100% or more of allowed weight on it.
Together with that most have tires with yust enaugh maximum load to cover the heavyest axle, makes it that they often need more then the maxloadpressure of yours 80 psi, to be safe to laws of nature.
So determine axleloads, or better axle-end loads acurate by weighing fully loaded as going on tripp, and give tire specifications, and I can calculate a pressure with maximum reserve, but still acceptable comfort and gripp for that.