Which Escapade model? We have a 31A and weight-wise it's a mixed blessing. The long wheelbase of 218" keeps the rear axle from being overloaded. It also means there's enough weight on the front axle for decent tracking on the road. But Escapade (at least our 2002) has a steel subframe for the house, so it's heavier than it looks for a coach with no slides.
Get yours weighed for all the reasons noted above, but I'll tell you that our weights are roughly 4500 front and 9000 rear, loaded for camping with 2 POB.
Here is
Michelin's RV Tire Load/Pressure Chart . Works with all brands of the same size and load rating.
Be sure to select Single or Dual and double their weights if you have Axle Weights and not Corner Weights. Most Truck Stop Scales (CAT Scale) can do only Axle.
Your front axle capacity should be 4600-pounds. That means that the Front Tires should be inflated to no more than 65-psi.