Gene in NE wrote:
lanerd wrote:
Tire pressure is all about the "weight" of the vehicle. To get an accurate amount, you must weigh your rv (preferably all four corners..if not, at least by the axle) and then go to the tire manufacture's web site and look at their size/weight pressure charts.
Excellent advice. I have looked at Michelin, Goodyear, and Firestone charts and they are all the same for a given size and pressure. might not have to hunt for a Yokohama pressure chart. ;)
These lists are in the lower pressures to high loadcapacity given.
If you would search the same sise and pressure of Michelin in Europe , you would see that the loadcapacity's are lower.
Best is to use my pressure-loadcapacity-lists wich takes care that the deflection of the tire stays the same over the whole range, wich is the goal of all the calculations. Also those lists are made by calculation.
Can find my lists in next map on my skydrive.
Extra save pressure/loadcapacity-liststhen you have to pic the PDF beginning with the pressure written on sidewall wich is not the maximum pressure of C-load and up.
Then you can pic the list per tire or per axle single or dual, so you dont have to devide by 2 or 4 yourselves.
But also you can use my Motorhometirepressure-calculator to be found in next map.
Motorhome-tire-pressure-calculatorDowwnload the newest american version ( so tire and not tyre) by
RICHT-CLICKING and then open it in Excell or Open Office CALC on your computer.
Dont leftclick or open in web-app wich cant handle some things I used in the spreadsheet and gives notice of that.
In my calculator I use my savest formula and add a reserve first, wich is also advice when looking in the lists.
If you cant work it out, give the details here and I will do it .