Why do so many people want to be cheap on the one thing that can go wrong and tear your RV to pieces or ruin your life? Be cheap on dishes, soap, polish but not tires. If you are not sure whether they are good for the road or not then change them and have peace of mind on the road. Which tire to buy? That's up to you. There is no definitive superior tire. Everyone has an opinion about what they have used and experienced. Just because they cost more doesn't make them the best quality. But new tires with dates that are not already 2+ years old are new tires and should eliminate that nagging question in the back of your mind of should I change them or stretch it. Is losing pieces of your RV or your life worth stretching the extra miles out of old tires? Go on youtube and watch the video of a class "A" that blows a driver side front tire on the interstate.