Forum Discussion

smilnjac's avatar
Aug 31, 2014

Toilet Stain

Along the waterline and below in our "Wet Toilet" we have a brown stain that perhaps is hard water calcifying that usually wipes clean with a clorox or lysol wipe. In cleaning for our upcoming trip we can't wipe it clean. Is it OK to use comet or Ajax powder. We are hesitant to use Bleach as we don't want to risk damaging any componets of the black water system.


  • We had hard water stains on ceramic toilet in the stick house and Toilet Works worked great on that.
  • I just bought a toilet cleaner made by Zep from tractor supply. Works better than anything I've ever tried before.
  • Brown Stain?
    We have a drought here in the west and that reminds me of this statement:
    If it is yellow- let it mellow, If it is brown- flush it down...
  • Along the waterline and below in our "Wet Toilet" we have a brown stain that perhaps is hard water calcifying that usually wipes clean with a clorox or lysol wipe. In cleaning for our upcoming trip we can't wipe it clean. Is it OK to use comet or Ajax powder. We are hesitant to use Bleach as we don't want to risk damaging any componets of the black water system.

    NO. On the comet/ajax cleansers.

    Use "soft scrub". Found at all grocery stores. My toilet actually came with a label saying to use only this product. It will NOT scratch the surface like ajax cleanser will. Has worked for me for all types of stains.

    I stayed 2 weeks at a CG that turned my bowl brown and the water inlet from the iron in the well water.:( My usual cleaning agent is bleach and it would not touch the iron stains. Soft Scrub took it right off.
  • What type of toilet....plastic or porcelain? If porcelain, any type of scrubber along with Lime-a-way can be used without damage.