NMace wrote:
For those of you warning of legal problems from towing slightly above specs, can you furnish a citation of where and when it has ever happened with a non-commercial RV.
I realize that the OP has solved his problem but others may be in the same boat. What people forget is that civil suits are decided by emotion not law. I had jury duty and had to go in as part of the pool for a lawsuit against a class A owner. I wasn't selected but was interested enough to stay and watch. This suit involved a Class A that rear ended a sedan at a light. The light turned yellow and the sedan stopped. The Class A didn't and there were injuries. The only ticket he got was failure to have his vehicle under control. He did not have supplemental breaking on his toad but it is not required in Maryland just the ability to stop in a certain distance at a certain speed. That did not stop the lawyer; every chance he got he brought up the fact that supplemental braking was available and if the owner really cared about the safety of the public he would have installed it and the little kids wouldn't have been hurt. He painted him as a rich man (owned an expensive RV) who could care less about the little person His lawyer countered that he was within the law, but he didn't have a chance against pictures and doctor statements on injured little kids. Emotion won out over the facts and he was hit with a very large judgment.