Mowermech, I wouldn't prefer to tow an old vehicle just because of reliability and you are absolutely correct in the mechanical gauges. The used 1973 VW bus that I bought when I was 20 left me stranded too many times! LOL! :p
A guy in my Prevost group wanted to 'remember of times gone by' and found a 1950 Ford coupe just like the one he and his wife first dated in. Although the car was in good shape, it was still a 1950 car with the technology from that era.
So, he found a company that turns old cars into new ones. The car looks original but it has a brand new chassis, new modern motor, new brakes, new suspension, etc. All the instrument cluster gauges were rebuilt and act as new. It is a cool conversion.
To the OP: One thing a person should consider is the ground clearance of a tow vehicle. As we are driving down the interstates and come across a 'gator' in the road, the coach can straddle it but the low toad may not. That's why we have always had a 'SUV' as they have a higher stance and less of a risk of something getting caught as the coach passes over an obstacle.
Safe travels,