Circumstantial. Sometimes a towed vehicle can be really useful, sometimes a hinderance.
I travel (road trip) without a towed vehicle, but will tow something (first it was a Ranger pickup, now a Honda Fit) if taking the RV out to the lake to sit in one place for a few days to a couple of weeks. I would certainly take one if snow birding.
When I consider the towed vehicle a hinderance is when I am traveling every day, making tourist stops, going places where I want to more easily find a parking space, which often means backing into one. My motorhome is just under 30 feet, I can back into a space at the edge of a parking lot and take up no more room than a small box truck or large dually pickup. But if your motorhome is a whole lot larger, that parking advantage my be already lost, but a towed vehicle will still keep you out of places where you might have to back up.
I'm working at downsizing to about 19 feet, but I might still haul a towed vehicle for long stays. Or maybe the towed vehicle might be the house, camper vans do sometimes pull trailers.